Saturday, 10 June 2023

Frustum Culling in Vex

 This video shows you how to create an HDA that culls points outside the camera frustum using vex instead of using a volume.

I originally recorded an example of how to crash your scene by using a volume, but I cut it out because I didn't want to bore everyone to death.

Addition: I missed to check if the points are in front or behind the camera in the video, but you can solve that easily by checking the z value. It would look something like this:
"if((campos.x+padding.x) <0|| (campos.x-padding.x) >1 ||(campos.y+padding.y) <0 || (campos.y-padding.y) >1 || campos.z >0)"

Monday, 10 April 2023

Simple Vellum Water Balloon Set up

 This video shows how to make a simple water balloon set up with Vellum in Houdini.

Bonus tip: In the video I'm writing an expression to change the amount of pieces, but you can also turn on and randomise the cost attribute to change the layout at the same time. Thanks Derya Öztürk for the tip!